6 Muscle Car Accessories That Will Turn Heads

You’ve worked hard, saved up, and cashed in: you’re the proud owner of a new (or lovingly used) muscle car. Whether you’re a dyed-in-the-wool Chevy fan for life or all about Ford, all the time, you deserve props for your achievement.
Now the real fun begins.
No, not pulse-pounding acceleration and ultra-tight turn radii fun, though you can be forgiven for indulging a little. The fun we’re talking about here is the making your muscle car your own fun — if you prefer, decking it out until it’s unmistakably and unequivocally an extension of your personality fun.
These six American muscle car accessories can help you do just that without breaking your budget or forcing you into a mechanic’s apprenticeship. Add ‘em to your ride and watch the heads turn — that is, if you can take your eyes off them yourself.
- Car Covers
Okay, you clearly shouldn’t drive with your car cover on. But no one’s stopping you from situating your covered ride in a conspicuous location that’s impossible for your guests (and random people passing on the street) to miss. Car covers come in a surprising variety of forms, from indoor stretch covers designed for collectible storage to all-weather outdoor covers that protect against whatever the elements decide to throw at your car.
- Exhaust Systems
Add a little roar to your day with an aftermarket exhaust system that announces your presence and improves your performance. For added convenience, look for systems with wireless controllers.
- Side Skirts
Side skirts impart practical flair to your muscle car by extending its vertical profile, lowering its center of gravity and keeping road splash away from its sensitive underbelly. More than most other muscle car accessories, side skirts are unmistakable extensions of driver personality — and, therefore, great for announcing your arrival.
- Floor Mats
It’s a no brainer to install floor mats in your pickup truck or 4×4. Those rides are meant for the great outdoors.
But floor mats in your muscle car? Really?
Oh yeah. For two main reasons. One, unless you’re maniacal about keeping dirty feet out of your muscle car, its floors are going to get scuffed. Over time, that’s bad for resale value (and it’s not a good look anyway). Two, floor mats are a practical way to show you care. Your passengers are more likely to respect your ride — and you — if it’s clear that you care about it.
- Custom Wheels
To be fair, most muscle cars’ factory wheels are spiffy, but nothing quite catches the eye like custom alloy wheels. Depending on your car’s make and model, you’ll likely have several varieties to choose from — so choose wisely, and make an impression your friends, neighbors, and randoms on the street won’t soon forget.
- Window Louvers
Is discretion the better part of valor? It is when you’re riding behind a stunning set of window louvers. What better way to obscure your car’s interior without obscuring the appeal that made you fall in love with your ride in the first place?
What’s your favorite muscle car accessory, and how soon can we expect to see it on your ride?