It is summertime and you are driving to work. It is a special day because you have a presentation to make that may change the trajectory of your career. You cannot afford to be late, no, not on this particular day.
All of a sudden, you notice steam rising from your hood. Your engine is overheating. You were distracted and didn’t notice that your car’s engine temperature was rising. This could mean trouble, right? Well, not if you had read this article prior to that mishap. Here are six easy steps showing you what to do if your car overheats.
Pull Over
The obvious thing to do when your car starts to overheat is to stop driving and pull over. As soon as it is possible, choose a safe place to stop that is away from traffic and other road hazards.
Turn Off the Engine and Let it Cool
Switch off your engine after you have stopped and allow it to cool. If you keep the engine running, it will continue to overheat. Use the lever inside your car to pop open your hood so that your engine can cool faster, but don’t go near the hood because of the steam. It can take up to half an hour for it to cool down.
Turn off the Air Conditioning
This will help your engine to cool down because it reduces the amount of work that your engine has to do, thus reducing the strain on it.
Turn on the Heater
As ironic as this action may seem, it will also help to cool your engine. This is because the heat will be transferred from your engine and into the car itself. When you put on the heater, let it be at its hottest and let the blower level be at its highest for the best results.
Add Coolant or Water to the Radiator
After your engine has cooled down then you can properly open your hood. Stand back as you do this so that any escaping steam does not hit and scald you. The next thing you will need to do is to check your coolant reservoir level. If you find that the level is low, you will need to add coolant or distilled water into the reservoir and radiator.
Distilled water is preferred but tap water can do if that’s what you’ve got on hand. Be careful not touch the radiator cap with your bare hands while it is still hot. You can use a thick piece of cloth like a towel for your protection as you open it.
Get Some Professional Assistance
Engines may overheat due to a number of reasons for example, excessive strain on the engine, electrical or mechanical problems with the cooling system, hot weather, and so on. In other words, the overheating could be a symptom of a larger problem that your car may be experiencing, such as a coolant leak. You will therefore want to call a mechanic or get to an auto repair shop as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis of what could be wrong with your car.
Now you know what to do to if your vehicle overheats. You have also been equipped to help somebody else. Do not leave them stranded on the side of the road.