Ensure You Have A Safer Driving Experience

Getting behind the wheel of any car is a huge responsibility. Let’s face it, a car is a machine capable of killing. No doubt you think that you are in control. You assume that your amazing car is roadworthy and safe. You could be right on both counts. But you can’t assume that other factors won’t play a part in your experience. Extreme weather happens. People are not always visible. Some idiot slams on the brakes in front of you for no reason you are aware of. There are many factors that could lead you to have a serious accident. So it makes sense to ensure your driving experience is as safe as it could be.

Is your car as safe as you can make it?
We make a lot of assumptions about a car when we start the engine. We assume that everything will work. We assume that the safety devices will come into play. There is only so much you can do. It pays to check you car is as safe as possible. That means having it regularly serviced and checked. Ensure the brakes are in good condition. All the brake pipes and their connections should be examined for leaks and corrosion. The steering should be checked and adjusted if there is any play. If you notice your car pulling to one side when you brake, then this should also be checked by the garage.
Ensure you have the correct tyres on your car. Never mix tyre types and never use or buy second-hand tyres. If there is any wear on the tyre surface you will need to get your tracking checked and even the tyres replaced. There should be a minimum of at least three mm in terms of depth of tread. Get used to checking your tyre pressures and know what the correct pressure levels are. Having good tyres and brakes means you will be able to stop effectively and quickly.
See and be seen
Have a regular bulb check to ensure that all the lights on your car are working. Being inside the car means you may not be aware if a bulb is defective or has blown. Consider having your halogen headlights replaced with HID headlights. They are easy to install and give you much better visibility, especially at night on poorly lit roads.
Be in a fit state to drive
Never drive if you are too tired or have consumed alcohol. Even the most experienced driver cannot fight fatigue. It is one of the most common causes of fatalities on the road. If you need glasses make sure you have got the right prescription and that you wear them when you are driving.
Consider updating your skills by either retaking a test or having a refresher course. It can be sobering to find out how much we take for granted. If you are running a high spec car it could be worthwhile taking an advanced driving course. This will help you to become an all round safer and more aware driver.
Ultimately we always take a chance when we get behind the wheel of a car. Protect your life and those of others by making it as safe an experience as possible.