Extending the life of your car (Part 1)

Buying a brand new car is a serious investment since you will be paying a significant amount of money. For this reason, it is appropriate to know more about what has to be done in order to increase its lifespan by doing the proper car maintenance. First and foremost, it is highly advisable that you don’t force it during the break-in period which usually is the first 1,600 km (1,000 miles). It is best not to go above 88 km/h (55 mph) or above the speed recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle. You should also avoid putting heavy loads and also don’t tow trailers. In addition, it is best to avoid loading the roof rack with heavy construction materials.
Some experts in the automotive industry say a new car mustn’t be left idle for an extensive amount of time since if you do this, the oil might not reach all parts of the engine. Try to use light or medium acceleration and keep the engine below 3,000 rpm during the first hours of driving.
Now that the break-in period has finished this doesn’t mean that you should start taking care of the vehicle. Avoid revving the engine a lot during start-up and also accelerate slowly when you start driving. Although some might disagree, letting the engine idle in order to get it warm is not a good idea. The reason for this is because the engine will not operate at its peak performance which will result in incomplete fuel combustion, as well as oil contamination and soot deposits on the cylinder walls which could eventually lead to damaged parts.
At red lights it’s advisable to shift to neutral to avoid putting strain on the gearbox and engine. When it’s very cold or hot outside, it’s advisable to avoid accelerating quickly and driving fast. By conducting careful driving you will extend the lifespan of the tires so try to avoid sudden stops, starts and turning maneuvers. Remember that the power-steering pump can suffer damage if you hold the steering wheel in an extreme right of left position while turning the wheel.
In regards to refueling the car, it is best to opt for a gas station which changes pump filters regularly since you will have less chances of putting dirty gasoline in your automobile. Try to find a gas station that meets all your requirements and stick with that. Some say it’s best to avoid refueling from a station where the gasoline tanker has just filled the underground tanks. The reasoning behind this is because the turbulence can stir up sediment which can lead to clogged fuel filters and injectors.
If you have the misfortune of getting stuck in snow or mud, don’t force the car as it can lead to damaging pricey parts. For this reason, try gently rocking to free the vehicle but if this won’t work you should stop. If there’s really no way out, call a tow truck because in the long run it can cost you less. To avoid these issues, you might want to store a traction aid in the trunk of the car, such as gravel or sand.