Good Habits To Stop Yourself Speeding

Every time you get behind the wheel of a car, you’re operating a potentially dangerous piece of machinery. When we’re first learning how to drive, we’re pretty meticulous about glancing at the speedo, and keep well under the speed limit just to keep our instructor off our back. However, after years of driving, that caution gradually dissolves, and we can pick up the bad habit of speeding. If you’ve caught yourself speeding one too many times, here are some tips to drop the habit.

Use Cruise Control
If your car has cruise control, then it’s strongly recommended you use it. This will allow you to keep a cap on how fast you travel, and assure that you’re traveling at a speed that’s both safe and legal.
Leave a Little Earlier
One of the most common excuses for speeding is that the driver in question is running late for something important. Sometimes, the cure for speeding can be as simple as giving yourself more time to get ready and leaving slightly earlier than usual. Still, that’s not to say running late is an excuse. You’d probably rather get in a bit of trouble with your boss than have to look up a lawyer for a car accident! Speed limits are there to save lives, so don’t risk anyone’s just so you can be punctual.
Consider the Ticket
If you’re caught and charged for speeding, you’ll either have to enter a long and stressful legal battle to fight the charge, or take the ticket and pay an expensive fine. Unless you’re going to lose a massive sum of money by not being somewhere on time, then this alone should be a big motivator. The next time you catch your speedo creeping over the limit, think about the hefty fine you could be slapped with. Speeding, unless it’s towards the hospital, is never worth the financial risk.
Pay Closer Attention
A lot of people speed everywhere they go, regardless of what they’re on their way to. This is usually down to complacency, and getting too comfortable with driving without looking at any of the dials right under your nose. Yes, you’re a better driver than you were when you first got your license, but if you’re not paying close enough attention, you’re still a threat to your wallet, yourself and everyone else on the road. Try to develop the habit of glancing at your speedo more often, and looking around for limit signs.
Simply Slow Down!
If you find you have a hard time with driving at the limit without slipping over it, then another good habit is having a quota for staying under the limit. If you make a point of always keeping three to five miles under the speed limit, you’ll stand less risk of speeding, and be a much safer driver. Some people will tailgate you or even blare their horn and attempt dangerous overtaking. Just ignore it, or if that doesn’t work, indulge in fantasies of them getting pulled over for breaking the limit!
Photo credit : Maxpixel