How to Be a Smart Parker

As a driver, you shouldn’t have to take extra precaution when contemplating leaving your vehicle unattended in a public place, or, outside of your home for that matter. While we live in a world with a limited understanding of what is acceptable and what is intolerable behaviour, theft and significant vehicle damage is on the rise here in the UK. Read and make a note of these tips on how to be a smart parker of your motor!
At Home
Even though home is supposed to be amongst the places a person feels safe and sheltered from all the hatred and cruelty in the world, leaving valuable assets around can be an open window for significant damage or worst of all, theft. While this should not happen to any driver, regardless of where you live, vehicle theft is unfortunately not something you can just avoid and sweep under the carpet for however long you wish to ignore it. If you live in a residential area or on a public estate, road or urban city area, make sure you always park facing towards your house, that way, opportunists are likely to avoid the hassle of rearranging the position of your car to get away. If you find that tip too much effort to do, you could always park in front of a large window, so you can keep close tabs on who’s around and what they are up to around your motor.
Car Parks
Public car parking locations are ideal when going on a huge shopping trip or when spending the entire day out and about, but they also have the highest theft and vehicle damage rates going. There’s not much you can do to change that, but you can lower the likeliness of it happening to you by parking where the most vehicles are; opportunists are not as eager to target cars that are around others, in fear of being caught red-handed.
On the Road
Vehicles that are parked on the road are a much easier target for criminals seeking to steal your valuable assets, but, that doesn’t mean to say that you must avoid leaving your motor on the road overnight; if you don’t own a driveway or a garage and you have nowhere else to park, you might feel like you’re at an odds loss here. There is no reason you should steer clear of the roads outside of your home, especially since you fork out money for tax every month, but when you do park on the road, be sure to keep a clear view of where your motor is by parking underneath the street lamps allocated.
Out of Sight
Usually, when something is ‘out of sight and out of mind’, it’s a good thing. However, when speaking about a vehicle, and depending on the time of day you leave your car unattended to or the whereabouts of it, it might not be the case. Opportunists thrive off knowing that vehicles are out in the open, in the middle of nowhere with very little noise or distractions around to catch them out. If you can help it, try and avoid leaving your motor in isolation and park it near to other vehicles; that way, having your vehicle stolen is unlikely.