The Minimalist Guide To Getting An SR22 Insurance Policy

It is not uncommon for insured motorists to have no idea what SR-22 insurance is. Those who do hear about it only have a vague notion. Usually they only find out about it because a friend needs to get one. They may also have a vague notion that it has something to do with car insurance–but, they could not tell you whether it is a certificate from the DMV or an insurance policy from a car insurance company.
This ignorance is actually fine. Most motorists don’t need one. However, those who have not been safe drivers or who have let their insurance lapse while still driving a car may find out about it – usually from a judge.
Who Needs It?
You will need an SR22 insurance policy if you are involved in a car accident or convicted for a driving violation and can’t show proof of financial responsibility.
Here are some examples of someone who will probably need an SR-22 if caught by the police.
· Someone who was driving without car insurance.
· Someone who was driving with a driving license that had either been revoked or suspended.
· Someone who had been involved in a serious moving violation and had either a DUI or a DWI.
· Someone who had too many speeding tickets in a short time.
· Someone who was guilty of repeat traffic offenses.
· Someone who was at fault for an accident but did not have any car insurance.
What Is It?
An SR 22 is a state-mandated Certificate of Financial Responsibility. Strictly speaking, it is not an insurance policy, but proof that that you have active car insurance liability coverage. The cost of filing an SR-22 ranges from $15 to $25 depending on the state.
Where Do You Get It?
An SR-22 can be obtained from a car insurance provider who has filed with the state the right to issue an SR-22. It is filed by your insurer with the Department of Motor Vehicles for your state.
Why Do You Need It?
You do not need it if you drive safely and keep your car insurance policy up to date. You will only need it if you are pulled over by the police for an accident or traffic violation and can’t prove financial responsibility.
When Do You Need It?
On average, you will need to carry it for about three years, provided you can show that you maintained continued coverage. Any lapse or cancellation of your insurance policy will be reported by your car insurance company to the DMV. As a result, your license will be suspended. You will still need one even if you move to another state.
How Do You Get It?
If a judge orders you to get an SR-22, you will first need to buy a car insurance policy before the insurer can issue you an SR-22. However, getting a cheap SR-22 quote is not a good idea if it is not backed up with a good insurance policy, one that gives you excellent coverage.