Purchasing a high-mileage used car

If money is short but you are in need of a car, there’s only one way to go: purchasing a used one that has been driven extensively. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the vehicle in question is in a bad condition which is why if you have the time and patience to look thoroughly, you might end up finding a real gem. If the car has been serviced regularly and was maintained accordingly by its owner, you should be able to easily cover more than 100,000 miles with it. The name of the automaker plays an important role when opting for a model, which is why you should be on the look for marques that are known to be very reliable, such as Honda and Toyota.
You could try your luck by contacting a few of the local buyers in your area as these are the ideal sources for finding a car at a very affordable price tag. In addition, most of these cars have been properly maintained by their owners during their lifespan so you would be getting quite a good deal. Regardless of where you buy the car from, it’s imperative that you take it out for a test drive to see how it works and notice any malfunctions.
Don’t forget to check the electrical system and have a thorough look at the condition of the body work and also how the interior has been maintained. Don’t be overly critical since you will be buying a car that’s at least ten years old and has been driven quite a lot over these years. It’s best to get in touch with a mechanic and take him with you whenever you are out testing a car because he will spot the problems right away. Engine, steering system, gearbox and brakes are the most important parts to look out for.
If you have reached the stage of negotiating the car’s price tag, it is highly advisable that you check out the Kelley Blue Book (KBB) or other similar sources to figure out which would be a fair price for the car you are about to purchase. Usually, in these sorts of deals, the buyer pays with cash rather than financing the car since in most cases we are dealing with a small amount of cash. Needless to say, it’s up to you and the seller to come to an agreement as far as payment is concerned.