Slashing The Cost Of Insurance

Buying a new car is always going to be a big expense but it isn’t always the car itself that will set you back. Especially if you’re young, or you’ve only recently passed your test, the insurance on your car could cost more than the car did. If you’re on a tight budget then a hefty insurance bill could stop you from being able to afford a car in the first place. While it’s not a good idea to avoid it completely, there are ways that you can drastically reduce the price of car insurance.
Job Title
The effect that your job has on your car insurance quotes is drastic, and the way that you word it could mean the difference between a high and a low price. For example, if you write that you are a chef, you will pay almost $100 more than somebody that writes ‘kitchen staff’ instead. This is the case with all sorts of different professions so you need to check the wording before you agree to pay for the cover. Open a few separate quotes and try putting your job description in a few different ways to see which gives you the lowest price. If you’re a full-time parent or retired, make sure that you check that box instead of the one that says unemployed, this will push your price up massively.
Add More Drivers
This can really help if you are a newer driver. Adding somebody else to the policy that is more experienced than you will drive the price down. The insurance company will have more trust in you if there is somebody that has been driving for longer using the car. You will also be able to split the cost if there are two of you on the policy.
Choose The Right Car
The type of car that you have has a huge effect on the price of your insurance quote. Younger drivers should never pick anything too powerful. Something with a smaller engine will be a lot cheaper to insure. When it comes to used cars, it can vary quite a lot. Some used cars will be a lot cheaper to insure, whereas some will be way more expensive so check the insurance prices before you buy anything.
Don’t Leave It Too Late
When it comes to renewing or changing your policy, leaving it too late can seriously cost you. If you start looking two or three weeks before your policy runs out and change it in plenty of time, it will cost you far less. Leaving it to the date it runs out will be very expensive because the companies know that you don’t have time to look for a better deal.
Pay Up-Front
A lot of companies offer an attractive, pay monthly option. It seems like a good idea because the smaller monthly payments are more manageable than one large one. However, you will actually end up paying a lot more if you do it this way. If you can afford it, paying all of it in one go will save you a big chunk of money.
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