When Pepsi decided that they would take their marketing ploy to a whole new level, they decided to bring on Jeff Gordon, NASCAR champion and see what kind of ruckus they could cause. Ruckus is exactly what they caused when they showed up to an undisclosed car sales lot, and took a Camaro for a spin, NASCAR victory lap style.
Gordon showed up to the sales lot with a fake goatee and mustache, and a bit of makeup, also in hand a brand new unopened can of Pepsi Max, of course! Need to show who you are suppose to be advertising for, otherwise those who watched the video would think the video was intended to promote the Camaro. Which it sort of did, even without trying. “Mike” which was Gordon’s alter personality in this prank, showed up on the lot, and he seemed lost, perfect for a salesman.
The salesman saw Gordon looking over the Camaro, and he temps him to take it for a test drive. At first Gordon plays it off like he is just to timid for such a powerful vehicle, but the salesman convinces him, and hands him the keys.
Once he has the trust of the salesman, Gordon then pulls out all the stops as he shifts gears and blazes down the open roads. We then are taken on one of the most entertaining test drives ever recorded. We can feel the G-Force that the passenger is receiving and the slight bit of fear in his eyes. Gordon just pushes the medal down and rips down the roads, only slowing slightly as he drifts in and out of turns. It seems almost stages just how fluid Gordon handles the Camaro, but the argument could be made that the Camaro provided him with this sort of power and handling. Also helps when you are a professional driver, and you drive like this on a normal basis.
When they make their final turn back into the lot, and back up into the spot, the salesman is beyond upset. He storms out of the vehicle furiously, and threatens Gordon with calling the police. Gordon and his camera crew re quick to intercept the upset salesman, and tell him about the prank, revealing his true identity. At first it seems like the salesman, is undaunted and seems a bit upset still—but with time we can begin to see his face shape into disbelief and some laughter. Now we don’t recommend this type of driving, because it will likely do a bit of wear and tare on your vehicle, Camaro or not. In which case you may need to replace some parts. You can find Chevy service in MD – at JBA Auto.