Automotive Tips

The Secret To Keeping A Classic Car In Unbelievable Shape

Whilst it’s exciting to own a classic vehicle, it can also be a little scary. For a car enthusiast who wants to protect their new possession, the thought of the slightest dent or spot of rust is probably too much for you to handle. That’s why it’s important to take great care of your vintage car. Given their age, they’re prone to wearing out much more easily than brand new vehicles. But there are definitely ways to keep your car going for a long time. Here are the secrets to keeping a classic car in unbelievable shape.

Proper storage.

The first secret to keeping a classic car in unbelievable shape is proper storage. You probably know this already. You never see a classic car owner leave their car out of the garage (unless they’re cleaning it or showing it off). It’s partly for the sake of not advertising such a valuable possession to strangers, but keeping your classic car locked away is also sensible because it ensures the bodywork of your vehicle won’t be tarnished by weathering. If you want to keep it looking and feeling new for as many years as possible then you have to keep it sheltered and protected.


Still, locking your vehicle away in the garage isn’t enough to ensure that it’ll remain in good shape. You need to think about the conditions within the garage itself. Is it a dry environment? Moisture or humidity in the air can lead to corrosion on the surface of your vehicle. If you think your garage might be too damp then you should get a dehumidifier for the space before storing your car there. Additionally, you might want to get a car cover for dust prevention. Even when it’s safely stored in the garage, you still need to protect the delicate exterior of your vintage vehicle.


Thorough maintenance.

The next secret to keeping a classic car in unbelievable shape is thorough maintenance. You need to keep your vehicle clean, first of all. This applies to all cars, of course, but older vehicles are much more delicate. Dirt can quickly lead to rust, so you need to make sure you wash your car regularly to prevent that from happening. Furthermore, if you don’t clean dirt regularly, this can attract pests. In the event of finding any pests, make sure to contact a company like to deal with the issue efficiently, as it can be difficult to completely rid your vehicle of them yourself. If you do see rust starting to form then you might want to use a lubricant to prevent it from spreading all over the bodywork. Do some research if you’re looking for the best wax for your car. There are plenty of options out there. The key is to simply make sure you give your vehicle a sleek and polished finish.


Beyond cleaning, you also need to make sure that your car is roadworthy. Again, this applies to any sort of car, but you have to perform self-maintenance checks much more regularly with a vintage vehicle. Make sure you check the oil levels frequently. As a quick word of advice, you should always leave your tank full when your car is going to be in storage for a while (linking back to the previous point). An empty tank can start to gather moisture and condensation. In turn, this can lead to (you guessed it) corrosion. You should also check your tyre pressure frequently to make sure your car is roadworthy. Finally, before heading out on the road, test your brakes and all other operational aspects of the car to make sure that everything is in working order. You don’t want to experience faults with your classic car when you’re out on the road. Keep it in good shape by catching issues before they develop into something worse.


Frequent driving.

As discussed extensively throughout this article, continuous maintenance of your fragile car is essential to its functionality. If you want your classic car to live a long and happy life then you need to maintain it as thoroughly as possible. And driving your car frequently is the best way to ensure this. If you leave your car unused for too long then you run the risk of issues developing when you try to start it up again. This is why pre-drive and post-drive car checks are so important. You need to make sure that everything is in working order. But the best way to ensure that is the case is to actually use your car regularly. Taking it out for a quick 10-minute spin (every couple of weeks) will ensure that the battery doesn’t run flat and all the mechanical components of your vehicle continue to operate as they should.


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