Top 5 Lamborghinis of all time

When you think of a vehicle that signifies that you’ve gone and made it in life, the first manufacturer that comes to mind is the Lamborghini. Even the basic models (if there is such a thing) that they produce are well known for achieving fast speeds and looking incredibly stylish, all without ruining the driving quality.
Over the years, Lamborghini has produced some of the best cars you could ever wish to buy, and there are some that will be in the history books for some time to come. What can you expect from a company that was set up in direct competition with Ferrari?
So, without further ado, here are five of the best Lamborghini’s ever made.
The Lamborghini 350GT
Without a shadow of a doubt, we have to start this list with one of the classics. The very first sports car created by Lamborghini was the 350GT back in 1964, and this ensured that Lamborghini would become the famous car manufacturer it is today.
We can’t exaggerate how important this vehicle was. If it wasn’t well received then the Lamborghini company would have disbanded and gone back to making tractors!
When they created the 350GT, things didn’t quite go as smoothly as you may expect. They had tested a brand new Lamborghini engine for a long period of time, and three people then started to integrate it into a full vehicle. As they developed this car, they quickly began to realise that it wouldn’t be suitable for a wide market, leaving them having to make massive changes.
After they successfully redesigned the car they dubbed it the Lamborghini 350GT, before showcasing it at a Geneva Auto Show. People were amazed at the engine, as it was 320 horsepower which meant the 350GT could do 0 to 60mph in 6.7 seconds. It may not seem like the fastest speed compared to modern cars, but back in 1964 it was the world’s fastest road legal car.
The Lamborghini Miura
Another important vehicle that had a large impact on the sports car market, the Lamborghini Miura was created over the period of 1965 and 1972, and it cemented itself into the history books because of the unconventional design which the Italian’s adopted when crafting this truly magnificent piece of engineering.
Way back in 1965, three Lamborghini engineers decided to develop their very own prototype car in any spare time they had. They stated that they wanted to create a road car that could also be used for racing. Unfortunately, Ferruccio Lamborghini wasn’t as excited as everyone else, but eventually it was given the okay, although he only saw it as something to be used for advertising.
Funnily enough, the engineers spent so much time developing how the car would look and act, they forgot to create an engine that could fit into the space provided. When they showcased the Lamborghini Miura at the 1966 Geneva motor show, they simply filled the engine space with ballast, as no engine could fit inside.
Even though some press stressed concerns about not being able to look under the bonnet, the Miura was well received, with it going into production the following year. People like how it was designed so much that the majority of sports cars are designed like the Miura.
Lamborghini Murcielago
For a period of eleven years, Lamborghini didn’t create a single car. Then it was revealed that in 2001, they were working on a car which would be named the Lamborghini Murcielago. This was the first Lamborghini vehicle to be created with Volkswagen having control.
They decided to name this vehicle the “Murcielago” because of a story of a bull that managed to survive 28 swords strikes in 1979, during a single bullfight. In the memory of the bull, a four wheel drive supercar was created that was able to do 661 brake horsepower before they stopped being created back in 2010. As expected with Lamborghini, it was well received, and around 4,099 were actually created over its nine year life span.
One of the features that made the Murcielago popular was its speed. It can achieve 0 to 60 mph in an amazing three seconds, and it had a top speed of 209 mph. It wasn’t simply left with a single model either, as in 2009 Lamborghini showcased a new model that had a new V12 engine. It could go from 0 to 120 mph in 7.4 seconds.
The Lamborghini Gallardo
Of course, Lamborghini’s best selling sports car had to be on this list. The Lamborghini Gallardo is still one of the sharpest, fastest and eye catching vehicles you can buy, and at least 14,022 we created in its 10 years of production.
When it was being created it’s clear to see that a lot of the time was spent making sure that the driving aspect was top notch. It has plenty of power, and the sharp throttle allows you to achieve good acceleration without affecting the speed you’re driving.
It’s so well weighted that even sharp bends are no problem. The Gallardo impressed audiences so much that it helped them avoid full bankruptcy.
The Lamborghini Reventon
Although only a small number of Lamborghini Reventon’s were created, it still impressed people all over the world because of how well it was made. At the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show people were amazed at how much it cost, with it costing £840,000. At the time it was the most expensive road car you could purchase.
Only twenty one Reventon’s were created, although one was made to be in the Lamborghini museum so people could always marvel at it. When it was released, Lamborghini announced that one of the biggest inspirations was the worlds fastest airplane, and just by looking at how it’s styled you can see they have achieved that.
Lamborghini, timeless sport cars
These are five of what we believe to be the best Lamborghini sports cars that have ever been made, with the design and stylings being beautiful to look at. If you believe that there are other Lamborghini’s that are worthy enough to be on the list, get involved in the comment section below.
This blog was written by Rachel Jensen on behalf of LeaseCar, the UK’s faveourite car leasing website.