Removing The Human Element For Safer Roads

It’s possible to spend your entire life on the road without ever having a single issue. Through safe, conscious driving, you can easily make sure that your driving career never has a bad turn, while also making the roads better for everyone. Of course, though, your good driving isn’t always enough to combat someone else’s bad driving. The true danger of a car is the person inside it, as they are the one in control, handling all the large vehicle. By taking away the control from a human and placing into the capable hands of a computer, you limit the impact of human error by a huge margin. This process is a slow one, though, and it’s taking many years for companies to progress. How exactly is this area stacking up, then?
- Little Gadgets
Taking control out of human hands when it comes to their car would never be an easy process. So much of a car’s operation is based on a human’s senses, giving engineers the challenge of collecting all of the data a brain can. As part of this, a lot of businesses have started to produce small gadgets to help you on the road. Small speed monitors can warn you if you’re breaking the speed limit, and built in breathalyzers can help you to avoid drink driving. This can help you to avoid the need for a Tulsam DUI Attorney but is also helping to make the roads much safer. In the future, features like these will be standard on a lot of cars, but might not be completely necessary.
- More Control
As time has gone on, the gadgets used to make cars safer have gotten more and more elaborate, bringing us to the position of a lot of modern cars, today. Automatic braking has become a very popular feature on a lot of new vehicles. This device can detect potential collisions while you’re driving, automatically applying the brakes to help you to avoid them. Along with this, all modern cars are fitting with anti-lock braking systems which help the driver to stop the car without losing control. Without this, people would have to learn the right technique to help them slow down.
- Complete Takeover
It’s very likely that you’ve already heard of the driverless car projects being undertaken by companies like Google, BMW, and Tesla, but you might not realize quite how close these cars are to being released. Tesla, for example, has already shown off working prototypes of a car which can navigate by itself using a simple array of basic cameras. Of course, though, as with anything digital, serious questions surrounding the actual safety of this sort of technology are being debated. Concerns about security issues leading to hacked cars are very real, but this sort of threat should be long ironed out before any cars hit the market.
This post should give you a good idea of how cars are slowing moving out of the hands of humans, and into the control of computing machines. This change marks a great evolution in this field. But, over the next few years, it could change even more drastically, and it’s impossible to know what’s around the corner.