
Improve Your Car’s Stopping Power with the Right Brakes

There perhaps isn’t a more important part of your car than its brakes. If a car won’t start, it will just sit in your driveway until you get it running again. But if a car can’t stop, then you could be in for some serious trouble. And it’s not only the ability to stop that you need to think about, but how quickly you can stop. You never know what might happen when you’re on the road, which is why you should focus on your car’s stopping power.

The Importance of Good Brakes

To stop your car effectively, it needs to have good brakes. There are many other components that go into stopping the car, but without good brakes these parts don’t matter as much. According to studies, when an accident is caused as the result of something failing within the car, 22% of the time it’s the brakes. When you consider that there are over 6 million car accidents each year, it’s clear how important the brakes are for keeping you safe.

Signs You Need New Brakes

Over time the brakes on your car will wear down. It’s important to recognize the signs of worn down or failing brakes, so that you can get them replaced right away. One clear sign to look out for is a screeching noise. Brakes are designed to emit a high-pitched screech when they are nearing the end of the life, so that drivers know it’s time for a change. If you hear this screeching when driving around, it’s time to have your brakes inspected.

Another sign to look for is if it takes your car longer to stop. This is often gradual, making it hard to notice. But if you go to slam on your brakes, and it takes longer to stop than you’d like, you should have your brakes tested. Finally, look for any vibrations when braking. If your car shakes when you apply the brake, this is something you’ll want to talk to your mechanic about. It may not be your brakes, but you should still get the issue resolved sooner rather than later.

How to Find the Right Brakes

Once you realize that your brakes are not working as well as they should, it’s time for a replacement. To replace your brakes, you have two primary options. First, you can take your car to a mechanic and let them handle everything, including finding replacement brake pads. This option is often faster and easier, but also more expensive.

Your other option is to do it yourself. Through some research you can often find reliable brake pads for your car, and then install them yourself (if you have the tools). However, if you don’t have much experience working on cars, then the brakes are not the ideal place to start, as there is so much riding on them.

To find the right brakes, you’ll want to conduct a thorough search online. There are many brands to choose from, including Bosch, Wagner, and EBC brakes. Read up on reviews for each, then make sure they have pads that fit your car’s make and model.

If you want to purchase your own brakes, but don’t feel comfortable installing them, talk to your mechanic about your options. In many cases you can bring in the brake pads of your choice, and provided they fit your make and model, have the mechanic install them for you. This is often a great way to save money and give yourself more control over the stopping power of your car.

Other Ways to Improve Stopping Power

While the brake pads are the best way to improve stopping power, there are a few other things you can do. For starters, you should regularly check your brake fluid levels and ensure you have enough. This fluid is typically checked during car service appointments, but it’s not a bad idea to check on it yourself from time to time. Your brake system works on hydraulics, and if there isn’t enough fluid, your brakes can feel soft or spongy.

The other thing you can do is replace your tires. Tires without enough tread can’t grip the road as well, and will therefore take longer to stop. You can have the best brakes in the world but if your tires are bald, your stopping power will be limited.

Keeping Your Car Safe with Good Brakes

Stopping power is essential for the safety of any car. When the weather is bad, or the vehicle in front of you comes to a sudden stop, you’ll want the best stopping power possible. Adding the right brakes is an essential component to this, so take the time to consider if you need to upgrade your brakes. When the time comes and you need to slam on your brakes, you’ll be glad you did.


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