Automotive Tips

Driving In The USA: Things You Should Know

Whether you’re moving or just taking a holiday, the US is a truly fascinating country. However, just like with any country, there are certain technicalities you should know about. Driving in any foreign country requires a little research beforehand. If you’re planning to rent or buy a car in the states, then this is extremely important. Here are a few important things you should know about driving in the USA.


The first thing I’ll say is something of a disclaimer. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you about any specific laws or rules. America is a federalism, which means that every state has certain freedoms in the way it governs itself. This means that what may be legal in one place could be illegal a mile down the freeway. For example, UK licenses are valid in the states for a year after you arrive. However, you have to be 21 to drive with one legally in some states, and 25 in others. Before you hit the road, you should do some research into the driving laws specific to the state you’re going to.

Another important thing to understand is the conventions for junctions. The whole roundabout idea never really caught on over here. Instead, you’re going to have to deal with a lot of intersections when you’re driving in the states. If you’re going to turn left at a junction, and a car coming from the opposite direction also wants to turn left, you need to turn in front of them, and never behind. If you’re unsure, look for signage. A lot of junctions have signs saying things like “Exit only” or “Right lane must turn right”. Programs such as 5 Dollar Traffic School may help with learning these technicalities.

Another important thing to know is that rear indicators don’t have a universal colour. While most European cars have indicators which are orange or yellow, many American models have red ones instead. For foreign drivers, this can make it hard to distinguish from the brake lights. Sometimes this has disastrous consequences. It may sound like a silly little technicality, but bear it in mind. It’s hard to believe the amount of accidents caused because people didn’t see a signal.

Finally, be aware that there’s no automatic priority to drivers. In any given situation, there’s no law stating you should give way to the right or the left. Generally though, if a vehicle is turning, it’s expected to give way to another that’s going straight. At intersections, there’s signage which can help. “Stop” signs mean you should stop. If you merely slow down, you’ll risk being picked up by a police officer. Yellow triangles reading “Yield” are also a fairly common sight. Here, you’re not required to come to a complete stop, but you have to give way to other traffic. You can find a complete guide at USA Traffic Signs.

Driving in another country can be a nerve-wracking experience. However, if you keep these rules in mind, you should avoid any major mishaps. Once you relax a little, get into the country and enjoy some of the great roads America has to offer!

Photo credit : Pixabay


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