Automotive Tips

Four Things You Should Do Before Selling Your Car

If you have recently bought a brand new car and are looking to get rid of your old pride and joy, then selling it privately is the most financially rewarding way. However, as anyone who has done it before knows, it is far from simple. Of course, it’s satisfying handing your vehicle to its new owner, but the journey to this point can be quite the ordeal. There’s a lot of preparation that needs to be done before you can pass the torch on. With that in mind, here are four things you need to do before selling your car.

  1. Take It For An Inspection

Before you even consider putting your vehicle up for sale, you need to take it to a garage for a professional inspection. This way, you can find out whether or not your car has any issues and get them fixed before you try to sell it. You might not think this is necessary, but there are a number of things that could be wrong with your car without you even knowing. The last thing you want to do is hand over a vehicle that isn’t safe to be on the road.


  1. Clean It Like Never Before

You’re probably used to giving your car a quick once over and declaring it a job done, but, if you want to sell your car, and sell it for a fair price, then you need to make sure that it’s absolutely sparkling. This means getting in every single nook and cranny and clearing out all of the dust and crumbs, as well as polishing the interior and washing the exterior. If your car is clean, it shows it’s been looked after, which means potential buyers will be more willing to offer more money.


  1. Research Before Setting A Price

Setting your price too high or low can be a huge mistake, so make sure that you do your research and come up with a fair estimate of the value of your vehicle. Look online for similar cars and use valuation tools for a rough idea. If you have any extras on your car, like private reg plates or a new sound system, then this should be taken into account too. Once you have an estimate, make sure you list your car with a bit of room to haggle.


  1. Write And Post Your Ad

Once you have done your research, you need to work on writing your ad. Regardless of where you plan to post it, you should ensure that it seems relatively professional and doesn’t contain any spelling or grammatical errors. Make sure that everything you write is honest, and that you have someone you trust proofread it before posting. You also need to attach some nice pictures of your car from a variety of different angles. Make sure to emphasize it’s best features.


Selling your car privately isn’t always easy, but it is rewarding. Hopefully, with these tips, you’ll find the process a little more straightforward.



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